Esthi Levy
Artist, born in Israel 1943
1. Avni Institute Tel-aviv 1982-1985
2. Ramat-hasharon college 1976-1978
3. High school of painting Tel aviv 1961-1963
Solo Exhibitions
- "braided Woman" Meirov Art House, Holon 2007
- "labor pains" Hankin college, Holon 2003
- "soft spine " labor pains, Tel-Aviv 1999
- "X" Alcharizi artists house, Tel-Aviv 1993
Group Exhibitions
- "Amnimnta" Daniel garden Jerusalem 2000
- "landscape painting" Alcharizi artist house, tel aviv, 1991
- Kaftori group" alcharizi artist House, Tel-Aviv 1988
Contact with Esthi Levy
Direct Contact: 054-5586661, To establish contact with group management please go to the contact page